The Little Book Of Adventure Game Programming

Our newest book is The Little Book Of Adventure Game Programming. This provides a step-by-step guide to creating a retro text adventure game in C#, which is one of the most important languages on Windows and is also available on macOS and Linux. The programming principles and techniques explained in the book can also be used to write adventure games in other languages such as Java, Ruby or Object Pascal. Short examples (source code also available for download) are provided in those languages. As well as teaching adventure games specifically, this book can also be used as a tutorial to writing C# programs. It covers all the most important features of the C# language.

This book explains…

  • How to write Interactive Fiction (IF) games
  • Creating class hierarchies
  • How to create a map of linked ‘rooms’
  • Moving the player around the map
  • Adding treasures to rooms
  • How to take and drop treasures
  • Putting objects into containers (sacks, treasure chests etc.)
  • Using lists and dictionaries
  • Overridden methods
  • Overloaded methods
  • How to save and load games
  • Designing a game with a user interface
  • Designing a command-line game to run at the system prompt
    …and much more

Available in paperback or for Kindle from Amazon (US): and (UK):